All tired and burdened, come to me. I will rest you.、、、The peace comes to the soul. (Bible Matthew 11:28, 29)
I think modern people are very tired because of the coronavirus. In addition, it may carry various burdens. Some may be guilty of sins they have committed in the past, others may be suffering from the anxieties of life.
The words of Jesus above say “all,” so we can include literally any problem. For example, illness, financial distress, unemployment, stress in relationships (school or workplace), anxiety about the future, family troubles, broken hearts, bullying, etc.
If you have such troubles by yourself, you may end up committing suicide if you do not go to any consultation. Now, the number of suicides is increasing rapidly in Corona.
It was announced last month (October 2020) that the number of suicides in Japan was 2,153. At last, the number has exceeded 2000. The number of men increased by 21.3% year-on-year rate to 1302, and the number of women increased by 82.6% year-on-year rate to 851. It can be said that the number of suicides among women and men in their 20s and 50s who are in their prime is increasing rapidly.
The number of suicides in the first year of Reiwa(japanese era) was 20,169, a decrease of 671 (about 3.2%) from the previous year. It has been decreasing for 10 consecutive years since 2010, and it was last year that the suicide statistics started in 1978 were the lowest ever. At one point, there were more than 30,000 suicides a year, but recently it has been on a downward trend and is heading in the right direction. However, the numbers have shown that the situation has changed with the coronavirus and it has become very severe.
The number of suicides in January-June 2020 was about the same or lower than last year, but has increased since July. The number of suicides in June was 1,559 (1,053 men / 566 women), but the number of suicides in July was 1,818 (1,167 men / 651 women) and 1,854 in August (1,203 men / 203 Female 651), the number of suicides in September was 1.805 (male 1.166 / female 639). And in October (last month), the number of people exceeded 2000.
I think the main reason is that the employment situation is deteriorating due to the coronavirus. According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the unemployment rate nationwide has risen steadily since November last year, when it was 2.2%, and has risen to 3.0% as of September this year. According to the credit bureau “Teikoku Databank”, 700 companies have gone bankrupt since February this year due to the effects of the new coronavirus.
People feel lighter when they talk to someone or ask someone to talk to them. However, Japan seems to be a society that tends to be isolated. There is a ranking when we surveyed “How high is the proportion of people who are socially isolated?” In OECD member countries. The table below shows.

Japan had the highest percentage of respondents in 20 countries with 15.3% who answered that they had no or almost no interaction with friends, colleagues, or local communities. It can be said that it is a difficult society to consult with someone. Churches play a major role in European countries. I hope that Japanese churches can play the role of safety net like Western churches in the future.
Jesus invites those who are tired, suffering, to “come to me.” If you go to Jesus (Christian Church), you will have a rest in your heart. The soul feels at ease (verse 29). Do not commit suicide.
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