Do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophet. (Bible Matthew 7:12)
The words Jesus spoke above are the summarization of the Sermon on the Mount and the pinnacle of Christian ethics. And this command is a summary of the entire Old Testament (the law and the prophets). In the first century Judaism was too obsessed with the wording of the law and lost the original spirit of the law, but Jesus restored the original spirit of the law.
The word Jesus spoke is commonly called the golden rule. The Roman emperor Alexander Severus, who had great respect for Jesus Christ, put the word in gold on the wall of his room at the beginning of the third century. It was as if I was trying to show that this was the “golden rule.” In fact, since the evangelist John Wesley preached the “golden rule” from this passage in the Bible in 1750, this famous word of Jesus has come to be called the “golden rule.”
Originally a Christian term, it is now commonly used in the business world as well. Napoleon Hill, famous for his “success philosophy,” defines “success” in this way. “Success is the process of respecting the rights of others and achieving goals (desires) that we recognize as valuable one by one according to the golden rule, without violating social justice. Note: The golden rule … What I want you to do is take the initiative to do so to others.” The golden rule here is the same as Jesus’ words.
The word of the golden rule that Jesus spoke have a great influence on all humankind. If people all over the world begin to practice this golden rule, we will be able to build a better world. This is a great teaching that we can practice at home, at work, wherever we are.
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