The day when “Silent Night” was born

The power of words


Advent started the day before yesterday. It will continue until December 24th. Advent means “appearance, arrival” and is the arrival of Christ. The period of preparing for Christmas is called Advent, and we look forward to the birth of Jesus Christ.

Speaking of Christmas, “Silent Night” is famous. I think listening to this song will make us feel solemn. Actually, there was a happening in the process of making this song.

In 1818, about 200 years ago, the church of St. Nicholas in the small village of Obendorf, Austria, was about to have a Christmas service that year, and all the villagers were looking forward to the Christmas service and preparing for it. ..

Finally, on Christmas Eve, tomorrow, the church organ player and village school principal, Mr. Gruber, stepped on to practice the organ. However, no matter how much he steped on it, there was no sound. When he looked it up, the air bag of the organ was bitten by a mouse and no air could enter.

Since it was a small village, it could not be repaired immediately. In trouble, Dr. Gruber consulted with Rev. Joseph Moor of the Church. Then Rev. Moor said: “Mr. Gruber, if the organ doesn’t work, there’s a guitar. Here’s a poem I wrote. Make a song so that the teacher can sing it on the guitar.”

The next day, people from the village of Christmas worship gathered at the church. At this time, people experienced worship without an organ for the first time in their lives. However, the beautiful sound of “Silent Night” singing with the guitar gave the villagers a deep impression.

Below are the English lyrics.

Silent night! Holy night! 
All is calm, all is bright, 
Round yon Virgin Mother and Child! 
Holy Infant, so tender and mild, 
Sleep in heavenly peace! 
Sleep in heavenly peace!

If the organ didn’t break, the famous song “Silent Night” wouldn’t have been born. There are sudden happenings in our lives. You may be forced into a desperate situation. However, from there, a mysterious path of reversal of God will be opened. Christmas is a day to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and a special day that can bring a reversal to life.

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ChurchSilent Night , Advent , Christmas

Posted by: canaan

I used to be a pastor in the metropolitan area for 10 years, but now I am a pastor at a local Christian church. I also run a travel agency and an agricultural cooperative. I myself have been empowered by various words, and I would like to convey hopeful words. 

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埼玉県で10年間&北海道で10年間牧師の働きをしました。現在は神奈川県の教会で協力牧師をしています。私自身が様々なことば(特に聖書のことば)で力づけられてきたので、希望に満ちたことばをお伝えしたいと願っています。I used to be a pastor in Saitama prefecture for 10 years and Hokkaido for 10 years. Now I am a cooperating pastor in Kanagawa prefecture. I myself have been empowered by various words(especially Bible ), so I would like to tell the hopeful words.